Our Impact

Because of YOU, we are able to create life-changing experiences for those we serve!

2023-24 Totals

People Served






2023-24 Annual Report

2022-23 Annual Report

2021-22 Annual Report

2020-2021 Annual Report

2019-2020 Annual Report

Diversity of those we serve

Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disability, Seizures, Cornelia de Lange, ADHD, Sensory Integration Disorder, PTSD, Stroke, Deafness, Rett Syndrome, Charcot Marie Tooth, Brain Tumor, Chromosomal Abnormality, Emotional Disorder, Down Syndrome, Dyslexia, Hemi-Plegia/Paresis, Polymicrogyria, Tuberous Sclerosis Complex, Phocomelia-Congenital Limb Differences, Alzheimer’s, MM-Mitochondrial Myopathy, Acquired Brain Injury, Arthrogryposis, Spina Bifida, Epilepsy, Auditory Processing, Fragile X, Friedreich’s Ataxia, Prader-Willi, Ataxia-Cerebellar, Multiple Schlerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Joubert Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Amputation, Hydrocephalus, Learning Disability, William’s Syndrome, FSP-Familial Spastic Paralysis, Blindness-Low Vision, Global Developmental Delay, Chromosomal Deletion, Charge Syndrome, Spinal Chord Injury, Speech Impairment