This month, we had the privilege of interviewing Frank and Bari, two of our longtime volunteers, about why they volunteer with Achieve Tahoe.

Achieve Tahoe: Hi Frank and Bari. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your volunteer experience with us. To start off, when and why did you start volunteering with Achieve Tahoe?

Frank: I want to say eight years ago. Bari and I were enjoying a cocktail on a summer weekend afternoon, and she said, “You have a really nice life, you should find a way to give back.” Since I like skiing and was aware of Achieve Tahoe through Sophie, Achieve Tahoe’s current Development Manager and former volunteer, I thought that volunteering might be a good fit.

Bari: I also learned about Achieve Tahoe through Sophie and started volunteering the summer of 2022 when I had more time in my schedule. I was drawn to Achieve Tahoe because I strongly believe being active outdoors can make a positive difference in one’s life. Now Frank and I volunteer for both summer and winter programs.

Achieve Tahoe: What are some of your favorite memories as an Achieve Tahoe volunteer? 

Frank: I ski often with a student named Connor, and while he is non-verbal, I feel like we have developed a connection, if not, at least a certain rhythm. Connor only skis with Achieve Tahoe, so I have learned to combine both instruction and free skiing since it is obvious that he enjoys being out on the mountain.

Achieve Tahoe: It’s always such a treat to see you and Connor ski together because you’re both clearly having such a good time. Do you have any other particularly memorable moments?

Frank: Last year, I had a lesson at Northstar with a woman who came up with a group from Sacramento. She started out adamant that she didn’t want to ski and was only there to watch the rest of her group. I convinced her to at least try her ski boots on, and we progressed up the gondola with her skis so she could see her friends skiing. When we got to the beginner lift, I told her she might as well put her skis on so we could take some photos with her friends. After that, I was able to persuade her to slide around a little with her skis on. Though we never got her on the lift, she told me that next time, she was going to try more skiing. I consider that a win.

Frank and Connor pose together while skiing at Palisades Tahoe
Bari spots a participant using a GRIT all-terrain hiking wheelchair during our hiking program

Achieve Tahoe: That’s wonderful! Bari, do you have any moments that have made an impression on you while volunteering?

Bari: All my favorites memories are about seeing participants that are clearly having a wonderful time. One day I was assigned to assist on a lesson with a participant who had multiple seizures before arriving and was utterly exhausted; he couldn’t even keep his head up.  His father wanted us to take him out using a slider (a walker on skis) and when the participant saw the ski boots, he made it very clear he didn’t want to go out. Marina eventually convinced the father to let us take him out in a bi-ski (a sit ski) and see how he felt after one run. I skied next to him, and when I asked him if he was having a good time, he gave me the biggest smile. His smile is something I’ll never forget – it was pure joy.

Achieve Tahoe: What a gift to be able to see that kind of joy.

Bari: That’s what it’s all about – being there to help open the possibility for someone to experience that kind of joy.

Achieve Tahoe: It really is. In addition to the positive moments, are there any challenges you’ve both experienced while volunteering with Achieve Tahoe?

Frank: Parking on a weekend. And, answering the instructor morning question. They can be downright diabolical.

Achieve Tahoe: (Laughs) I know we all love your morning meeting responses Frank! Your deadpan humor is hilarious.

Frank: Thanks. In all seriousness, as I have progressed as a Achieve instructor, I always want to provide my students with the best experience. As all our students are unique – as perhaps are all students – it can sometimes be a challenge to make sure I am understanding my students, identifying their needs, and providing a positive and fun experience.

Frank tethers a participant using a slider (a walker on skis) during a snowsports lesson
Bari helps stabilize the bow for a participant during the archery program

Achieve Tahoe: Bari, what about for you?

Bari: A challenge I continue to work on is finding the balance between when to encourage independence and when to assist.  My nature is to want to help, but I know that we don’t learn and grow if we aren’t pushing ourselves outside our comfort zone. I want to do a better job of helping our participants find that place of growth while still having a good time.

Achieve Tahoe: That’s an admirable goal. In addition to your interactions with participants, how would you describe being a part of the Achieve Tahoe volunteer community?

Bari: It’s fantastic and so much fun.  I’ve met so many new friends from instructors, interns, and other volunteers to participants and their families.  

Frank: Thanks to Achieve Tahoe, I have met so many wonderful people. I am always impressed by the passion, focus, and dedication of the volunteer team.

Achieve Tahoe: We’re always impressed by all of you and your dedication to making outdoor activities accessible and inclusive! To wrap things up, what would you tell someone who is considering volunteering with Achieve Tahoe?

Frank: I highly recommend you do it. It will be many things – challenging, at times scary and educational, but also joyous, and heart warming. More than worth the effort.

Bari:  If you enjoy the challenge of having to adapt to different situations each day, it’s well worth your effort. The team and whole community are very supportive, and someone is always available to give you ideas when you need assistance with a lesson. Once you see how much fun the participants have, I think you’ll want to volunteer. 

Achieve Tahoe: Thank you Frank and Bari for all you do as Achieve Tahoe volunteers, and thank you for sharing your experience with the Achieve Tahoe community! We look forward to seeing you and your extraordinary teaching skills back on snow this winter.

Frank and Bari are dressed as peanut butter and jelly at the 2023 Ability Challenge

Volunteer with Achieve Tahoe!

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